
Know the best part of Life

About Us

Hello! I’m Kristen and welcome to my blog, I am wife to my wonderful husband, Joe, and mother to our first child, Riker. I’m a working mom, trying to balance family life and a stressful job, all the time wishing I could be at home all day playing with my baby, cooking, and cleaning! Yes, I like cleaning! My middle name is Ione (hence kristenione) which was my grandma’s name. I love this name because it is different and beautiful so I always use it for any screen name I have. I shared a lot of similarities with my grandma and find that the older I get, there are even more things in common. I decided to start this blog as a way to update friends and family about what’s going on with me and my crew, and to post about all the random things I’m working on – parenting, cooking, crafts…or whatever! Thanks for stopping by to learn a little about Kristen and hope you enjoy the blog!



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